Handover is a known “trouble spot” in terms of patient safety. As nurses, we take part in a transfer of care each time we transfer care...
This week’s EBN Twitter chat on Wednesday 19vol September from 8pm to 9pm (UK time) will probably be run by the MAGICYL team and can deal...
Alex Pinto, PhD candidate, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds Twitter: @alexpinto50 What do you consider once you have a look at this photo of a...
When administering intravenous fluids or medications to a patient through a peripheral intravenous site, it is crucial to listen to signs and symptoms of complications, take...
This week’s blog is written by Dr Sarah Russell (@LearnPEOLC) who’s the Lead Palliative and End of Life Care Nurse at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust...
As nurses, we take care of informed consent – upon admission to a hospital/clinic or before a procedure/surgery. Nurses are typically assigned the duty of obtaining...
This week’s blog is written by Dr Sarah Russell (@LearnPEOLC), Lead Palliative and End of Life Care Nurse, Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust. Sarah can be...
Nurses have an obligation to report and protect vulnerable groups, including older people. However, it might be difficult for nurses to intervene effectively or feel they’ve...
When I take into consideration moral suffering, I might describe it as a nagging, desperate feeling born of perceived injustice. The underlying aspects are highly variable...
In today’s society, now we have seen many great advances in medicine, science and technology which have led to an aging population with chronic diseases. Often,...