
Let’s have fun the critical role of nurse educators



I used to be preparing for our first DAISY Breakfast on the biennial Sigma conference, where our presentation focused on Professor Tisdale’s decision to not only pursue a nursing profession after serving within the United States Air Force (in a non-medical capability), but in addition to clarify what led her to pursue nursing.

Her quite a few and heartfelt nominations caught our attention, as did her LinkedIn post after receiving the award, wherein she described the impact her students have on her:

“I am honored and humbled that my students took the time to write these pieces to recognize me for The DAISY Award, as they are the ones who motivate me every day. They are my ‘why.’”

Professor Tisdale’s inspiring influence was clearly evident during interviews with students, who spoke of her support, clarity, joy, positivity, creativity and holistic approach to teaching.

They mentioned that she continuously supported them, built their confidence, and gave them the tools they needed to achieve success as they began their nursing journey.

All three students who were interviewed will little doubt carry Professor Tisdale’s advice with them throughout their careers. You can watch a montage of the interviews and a full presentation of breakfast .

The DAISY Foundation was founded in 1999 after my husband, Patrick Barnes, passed away from complications of the autoimmune disease ITP. The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses was a way for our family to thank his nurses for the compassionate care they provided to him and us as they helped us through the darkest days of our lives.

As the inspiration has grown, so has our appreciation for the nursing occupation. The DAISY Award for Exceptional Nursing Staff was added in 2010 after a DAISY board member and former dean suggested that we extend recognition to those that not only taught Patrick nurses but who proceed to arrange and influence the following generation of nurses.

Since 2010, greater than 500 nursing schools have awarded this distinction to have fun and showcase the incredible impact their faculty has on future nurses.

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