Investing in latest nurse graduates matters for our future
Yr after 12 months we hear that latest nursing graduates will not be able to enter practice. The numbers are clear; over the past 3 years, the NCLEX pass rate for RNs has decreased from 88.2% in 2019 to 79.9% in 2022 (NCSBN, 2022). Moreover, only 23% of nurse graduates demonstrated entry-level competencies and profession readiness (Kavanaugh and Szweda, 2017). The NCSBN concluded that the present NCLEX examination didn’t adequately assess clinical judgment. Clinical judgment is defined as the method by which nurses make decisions based on nursing knowledge, evidence, theories, other disciplinary knowledge, critical considering, and clinical reasoning (AACN, 2023). Starting in April 2023, NCSBN will release the next-generation NCLEX exam, which streamlines clinical assessment testing.
Clinical assessment: an important element of competence
Healthcare organizations must facilitate the acquisition of competencies
This partnership between academia and practice ensures the success of nursing graduates
Investing in graduate nurses matters for our future
The Next Generation NCLEX exam is step one toward ensuring that latest nurses are on target to becoming competent. Nevertheless, experienced nurses and healthcare organizations need to alter their approach to nurse graduates. It will be important to acknowledge that latest nursing graduates are learning to exercise clinical judgment, but it surely is the role of the organization and other nurses to facilitate their development from beginner to competent nurse. We’d like to know that investing in latest nursing graduates will allow us to construct a pipeline of competent nurses, and the following time you end up in an emergency situation, you’ll be able to make sure that the nurse working next to you is competent, confident and has your support.
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